
Posts Tagged ‘infidelity’

I have written before,  about music and the joy it brings to life.   When I originally wrote this story back in 1989, I was moved by the words of a song I had heard as a young girl, well before I even understood the meaning of infidelity, ‘Please Help Me I’m Falling’.  

Please Help Me I’m Falling 

It was just a great song to listen to, one of those country ‘hurting songs’ delivered vocally by a master.   Songs then had a full sound, each note had a word that went with it.  Singing along was easy.

Another heart warming song, continued, for years, to run through my head, driving me to dream about the perfect love and how it would manifest in real life.  When I finally decided to tell a story, my dream story, but not my autobiography, I put the two songs together to create what I hoped was a conundrum for even the strongest woman to overcome.  Her challenge would have to contain a past and present which would impact the future.   Her decisions would  also have to challenge her own knowledge of who she was as a person, a woman and wife.

From the perspective of the heroine she is moved by the possibility inherent in the song ‘Loved Walked In’, a Gershwin tune and lyric.  I was grateful to the Alfred Publishing Co for allowing me to use the timeless words.  Set to a moving beat, the version realized by Dinah Washington seemed to tell us what was in the unconscious heart of our heroine as she balances her reality from her dreams.

I hope you will enjoy it and keep in mind its beautiful words as you enjoy the story.

18 Love Walked In

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